Friday, March 25, 2011

Dusting off the travel blog

I have the vague stirrings of a plan. I bought a ticket from NYC to HK on 4/26, one-way. That much is certain.

I also will arrive somehow in Israel around July 1st, give or take a few days. That much is also a given, for I shall attend my cousin's wedding somewhere in Israel on 7/14, and prior to that spend a few weeks in Israel with my family.

This leaves me almost exactly 2 months between Hong Kong and Israel. I plan to spend time in China working on speaking better Chinese, visiting friends, and visiting vegetarian restaurants. I will definitely spend a while in China, let's say a month minimum.

The next part is all tentative, but I figure I will fly to Myanmar and spend 10 days being a tourist there. I've wanted to visit for years. I can fly in from Kunming, China or Bangkok, Thailand. I'm not sure which I will choose yet. When I leave Myanmar, I will fly out to Singapore and spend a few days there. I've never been before, but I have a few people I know there and there are something like 100 completely vegetarian restaurants which is pretty ridiculous and I'm curious. From Singapore, there are reasonably cheap flights to Mumbai where I plan to spend time with another friend, eat incredible Indian food, take a few days trips not too far into the countryside but just to get a basic flavor for the province, probably take antibiotics, and then take my leave to either Israel or more likely Amman, Jordan because my initial research revealed tickets from Mumbai to Amman for $400 and tickets from Mumbai to Israel for $1300. Not exactly a tough choice as the overland route from Amman to Israel is very easy and cheap compared to 3 times the cost of the flight and I am already familiar with it besides from my recent trip in the region. Also, I know a good place with cheap, all-you-can-eat falafel in Amman.

I will be buying tickets and considering alternative itineraries soon. More to come including some nice pictures of all of my More Than Salad promotional materials, soon to be disseminated throughout Asia.